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The PPP Daemon

Command-Line Arguments For pppd

pppd Configuration Files

Typical pppd 'options' File

A typical pppd 'options' file might look like the following. Lines beginning with '#' are comments.

# lock the modem device, to avoid another process trying
# to use it.
# after connecting to the ISP, make the default route of
# the system go via this PPP connection. This means all
# packets not meant for the local network, will go out
# via the modem.
# use the given chat script in order to perform the dialing
# and possibly the login script as well.
connect '/usr/sbin/chat -v -f /etc/ppp/chat-script'
# use hardware flow-control between the computer and the
# _local_ modem, to avoid data loss.
# the name of the user with which we intend to login to
# the remote system. This will be used when looking up
# the password in the 'pap-secrets' or 'chap-secrets'
# file.
user choo
# do not require the remote side to authenticate to us.

Note: this setup is good if you only want to connect to one ISP using one account. If your linux system is used by several users with several accounts, or you have more then one account, a more complicated setup is needed.

Typical chat Script File

The chat script described above looks like this:

# define inputs after which we should abort the connection.
# the following is a set of 'expect' and 'send' sequences.
# chat waits for the first string, and if received, sends
# the second string.
# expect - nothing. send - modem reset command (atz).
"" "atz"
# expect - OK. send - modem initialization string.
OK "at&d0&c1"
# expect - OK. end dial command with ISP's modems number.
OK "atdt8319000"
# expect a connection string (CONNECT) and then we're done.

Typical pppd 'pap-secrets' File

The 'pap-secrets' file would contain lines, each containing a user name, the '*' sign, and a password (in clear text). Here is an example:

# Secrets for authentication using PAP
# client        server  secret                  IP addresses
choo            *       mypasswd
Note that the 'choo' is my login name on the ISP's system, which is not necessarily the same as my login name on my Linux system.

Dialing, Logging And Debugging And Disconnecting

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